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Resources for Federal Workers

Senator Kaine is strongly opposed to President Trump and Republicans’ efforts to reduce and politicize the federal workforce. He is committed to using every legislative option available to stop these dangerous policies. 

Share Your Story

Senator Kaine would like to hear from Virginians about how recent events may have affected your federal job or your federal grant. If you are a federal employee from Virginia or if you are a Virginia locality, organization, or company that receives federal funding and has been affected by recent spending freezes and you would like to share your story, please follow the link below:

Senator Kaine's Message to Federal Employees

Dear Federal Workers:

As you are all too aware, we are in a dark time. The Trump Administration has made plain that it wants to kick you around—by blocking your ability to administer federal resources, censuring your free speech, locking you out of your workplaces, demonizing you in the press, and sending you ominous, and at times threatening, messages. These actions are shameful and harmful not only to you, but to Americans across the country that you serve.  

But especially in the darkest of times, we must stay focused on finding our guiding lights. I hope you will let the call to service that you answered when you first swore your oaths as federal employees serve as that light. 

My advice to you today is simple, even if it’s not easy: Don’t give up. Keep serving everyday folks. 

You are here because of your expertise. You are here because of your patriotism. You are here because you know the value in dedicating your life to serving your fellow Americans. 

America needs you—that has never been clearer than in the wake of Trump’s federal funding freeze last week. I heard from folks in every corner of Virginia about the invaluable support they receive from federal workers like you.  

Across the country, Americans are counting on you to deliver crucial services—from inspecting our food to make sure it’s safe, to protecting our national security. From administering Social Security benefits, to staffing air traffic control towers, to supporting our allies around the world and keeping the influence of China, Iran, and Russia at bay. 

I know it has been—and will continue to be—tough. Donald Trump and his cronies are determined to do anything they can to knock you off course. They’ve even dangled a phony buyout in your face. But make no mistake: that buyout is a trap. Donald Trump has no authority to offer you a resignation buyout. Don’t trust a guy with a long history of stiffing contractors by taking him up on a sham deal that he won’t follow through on. 

You aren’t alone. I’m going to be here with you, every day, working alongside you in service. 

I want to share with you some specific ways in which I want to be a resource to you. On my website,, I am collecting stories from federal workers about what you are experiencing. Under no circumstances will I share publicly any information you send me without your consent. You can also choose to submit your stories anonymously if you prefer. 

I will also be updating my webpage with information that may be helpful to you, including summaries of your rights, recourse you can seek if you believe you are being illegally terminated, and answers to other frequently asked questions my office is receiving. 

Please know, that I’m going to do everything I can to stand up for you—just like you’re standing up for the American people. Thank you for your service. 



Tim Kaine 

Resources for Federal Employees

  • A number of unions have a national consultation relationship with the Office of Personnel Management.
  • “Doxing refers to the internet-based practice of gathering an individual’s personally identifiable information (PII)—or an organization’s sensitive information—from open source or compromised material and publishing it online for malicious purposes.”
  • To view the form in other languages, please click here.
  • “The SF-50 is the Notification of Personnel Action. It contains certain employment information useful to the applicant or if applying for another federal job. It is used by current and former federal employees.”
  • "OSC's primary mission is to safeguard the merit system by protecting federal employees and applicants from prohibited personnel practices (PPPs), especially reprisal for whistleblowing.”

Learn How to File an Appeal (U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board)

  • “One of the MSPB's primary statutory functions is to protect Federal merit systems against partisan political and other prohibited personnel practices by adjudicating employee appeals over which the Board has been given jurisdiction.”